What O Lord Is Real?

What O Lord is real? What is the challenge? What is the mission, the dream, the expectations? Is it hope and desire or dreams and desires or just blind following finding out if the choices made were righteously correct after the fact…or worse after we die? You said ask and you shall receive. You said seek and you shall find. You said knock and it shall be given unto you. You said a thousand things.A thousand things that could be twisted in a  thousand different directions depending on what we believe or what our culture has taught us, or what we through trial and error finally come to depend upon. Choices Damn Choices.

I haven’t slept well in weeks, questioning everything I read or watch on tv. These days it’s Agents of Shield…the good guys against the bad guys, guys with powers and guys without. Guys using their wits and guys using their imaginations. And then there is the question of science….Tell me Lord because I am asking and seeking and knocking…tell me what is real?


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