How is it,Lord, that despite the questions, despite the doubts, despite the good days and challenging days You are just always here, beside me, encouraging every ounce of me to continue creating each day into an each-day-creation, while wondering at the same moment…”Is it ok to be just me?” I’m not holy! No angels sing before I write or work or play with my grandson, nothing to say I am special.
But at the day’s end and I lay exhausted in bed or curled up uncomfortably in the car cat napping between jobs, I know You are still with me reminding me that You have been with me the entire trying day.
Oh how thankful I am that I am just me and that You care for just me as I am as well as all others exhausted, frustrated, bantering with the sameness of the day after day effects.
How You do it, I don’t know.
But thank You. From the bottom of my sinful saintless ordinary heart…Thank You!