
I haven’t done my morning reading yet, and maybe I should, before I try to put yesterday into some perspective. It is hard to remember that God knows everything, so even a day that goes haywire, He knows about even before it stumbles into chaos.

The night before I had been reading Robin Sharma’s The Leader Who Had No Title. He spoke about how change will mess your life up at first but if you stick with it, order will come. Again I had been forewarned. God had given me the tools.

I know it’s just a low-man-on-the-totem-pole job, but I like to be the best, do the best at everything I do, and yesterday was not the best…not even close. I had to clean a new property just opened, with a new staff and a new routine, and still manage time to clean the other property.

God had given me the tools I needed to deal with the stress of a well planned day going south, but I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around how to use all I had learned. I stressed. I complained. I verbally abused the position I was in. I grumbled, tossed things, barked at staff and guests. And cried.

God must have known I would struggle and ultimately fail.

Once at home, I even needed to redefine failure. Is failure failing to produce or failing to learn? I don’t know. I’m not God. I don’t know what He expects.

A few minutes ago, I opened  my phone because my boss had sent me a message. A day off? That sounded good! But also a review from one of the guests from the previous day.

I thought I had failed on all accounts…and yet…here was this review including me in its praise. How does that happen?

God makes it happen.


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