I can’t sleep tonight.
There is a storm brewing inside of me.
I had watched the Boston Bruins lose the final game for the Stanley Cup. I had read the passage for the day from His Word. I scribbled in my diary: ‘I need a plan. My ideas are all over the place. God can You help me with this?’ I then resigned myself to the fact that my eyes hurt. I’m tired. I don’t create well at night. And went to bed. Lights out. Music on. Cat snoring on the pillow beside mine. Goodnight.
3am: I roll over, turn on the light, go to the kitchen to heat up a cup of coffee, and begin to make outlines and charts organizing my ideas. I breath. ‘What just happened?’
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”
He was not going to let me sleep through procrastination or laziness or fear. In the secular world, they’d say I was driven. In the spiritual world, they’d say I was Spirit led. In my world, I say Damn and Wow and OK, I’m up.
I believe, without any proof, that He planted the seed in me, to write. I’ve wanted it since I was seven. But it is my dream. My work to do. I had been practicing living-in-the-moment … a new concept for me. But while I was living in the moment, I was waiting for HIM to write. Instead I’m hearing “Just do it! Just do it! Just do it!
3:41 am and I am ‘just doing it.’
And where will I start, with my ideas all over the place?
…With a book by Ben Carson called Think Big. Six years ago, I had taped the cover of that book on a makeshift dream board, when this intense restlessness had started. The premise of the book is Just Do It.
How appropriate!