“Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights, beside the way, at the crossroads…”
Yes…Yes…Yes she does. But I did not listen. I could not hear her. I was too tired and hungry and depressed to take note. “God! God!” I called out knowing that despite it all He would hear and He would listen. “I can’t. I’m only human.”
Despite our woes, He really does care. He knows how imperfect we are; He created us. But He also knows what potential we have because He created us.
I can’t seem to remember all that when the world goes sideways on me. But when I do return to the reality He has set before me, that all is well and that He will never leave me nor forsake me, then my world returns to its axis and I see with His eyes and fill my lungs with His breath and remember….I can do this…one step at a time. And it will be all worth it at the end, where ever that is and for whatever purpose He has in mind.
It is a sacrifice to sometimes praise Him and thank Him, but I am so very thankful that I eventually get there…and all is well.